Thursday, January 31, 2013

February Blog Challenge

Hello all. So, I put all (if I forgot you, let me know and I'll add you to the end) of our names into a list randomizer. The result is our February Blog Challenge schedule! I'll also post this on the Facebook page. Please remember to write on your day! 

February 1: Bennett G
February 2: Faith K
February 3: Alyssa G
February 4: Adlai N
February 5: Eddie S
February 6: Juliet M
February 7: Jen S
February 8: Cara C
February 9: Yingge L
February 10: Jadie H
February 11: Jaagrit R
February 12: Emily Q
February 13: Matt M
February 14: Sam S
February 15: Marisa A
February 16: McKenna T
February 17: Emily F
February 18: Lauren M
February 19: Megan M
February 20: Emily K
February 21: Kelly C
February 22: Sarah B

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hello Everyone (from Adlai, Lauren, and Marisa)!
Good Morning from QRT...greetings.
We are planning to have the club photo on February 13...and don't worry, it won't affect any valentine searching you may have.
goodbye yellow brick road.

ps. that was an Elton John reference....

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

AP English Theatrics and Slam Poetry

Today, 12th grade English classes performed some very faaabulousss student-written plays. They were full of glorious literary nerd jokes, recitations of Lord Byron's "She Walks in Beauty," Gwendolyn Brooks' "One Wants a Teller," animated performances of Shakespeare's Seven Ages of Man, and SLAMS. Here at Tapestry, we can't get enough of slam poetry.

Here are some of the pieces that students incorporated into their plays:

Anis Mojgani's "Shake the Dust:"

Sarah Kay's "For My Daughter:"

Suheir Hammad's "What I Will:"

Mike's "Thinking about You:"
