Friday, October 12, 2012

Feeling Scary? Writing Prompts for Spooky Stories

Horror Writing Prompts:

1.     You just found a finger in your mailbox.

2.     You just missed the last bus home. It has gotten very cold. You only have 2.00 and a half empty pack of gum in your pocket.

3.     Someone left a bucket of human hair on your front porch.

4.     Write a story in which something extremely un-scary is terrorizing a small town.

5.     A vampire just fell in love with a werewolf…and it is the zombie apocalypse.

6.     Announcement: “FCAHS is in lockdown due to a fast spreading virus.”

7.     You have been left home, alone. Just as you are falling asleep, your door creaks open.

8.     Nothing you believe is true.

9.     You are walking home alone. It is night. You turn to see a clown walking briskly toward you.

10.  You are unable to see. You hear a strange noise.

Friday, October 5, 2012

CMU Writing Contest- Excellent Opportunity

Attention Writers!

Remember our amazing Guest Speaker (2010), Jim Daniels? Well, he teaches creative writing at CMU and runs a great writing contest. Please check this opportunity out:

There are writing prompts to find inspiration as well:

This quote from one of the prompts speaks loudly to our interests in Tapestry:

“The impulse to art, the impulse to creativity is very similar to the impulse to
spirituality and to imagining and creating a more humane society. It's a way to
connect to something that gives you deep roots. And with the roots, then
you're kind of able to stretch out and move in directions that perhaps you
wouldn't have had the strength or the inspiration to do otherwise.”
  --Dr. Rachel Harding (Veterans of Hope Project)

Let me know if I can do anything to assist in your submission, and don't forget to use Manuscript for feedback!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Thousand Times No

Today was our final Senior Staff planning meeting before we begin general staff meetings tomorrow during Thursday QRT's. *excitement*

I decided to use the video below to give the staff a final burst of inspiration and motivation before we begin to lose ourselves in the stress of creating the actual book. Today was our last calm-before-the-storm day.

A few of us mentioned things we will say 'no' to this year as a senior staff member, and things in trade we vow to say 'yes' to. I promised to say no to club exclusiveness that can inherently happen with a staff so large. I said yes to going into review sessions with an unhampered and totally receptive mind.

I realize the blog is suddenly becoming TEDTalks heavy... (but that's the way it should be. I think we should all start our day everyday with a good ol' TEDtalk. The world could use some more innovative thinkers.)

See you tomorrow morning... first informational all-club session!
