As you all are aware, fall semester is in full swing, and for seniors that means college application season. As such, I unfortunately don't have time to go into everything I'd like to talk about for this post (more on that next time!), but I thought I'd share a piece I wrote for English. I hope you guys enjoy!
The Storm
At first, it starts
the pitter-patter of the sleek, black panther, of the rain
by dusk’s glistening bluffs of cool stone,
by the supple sway of whispering grasses.
The heavens pull up
their soft, grey blanket,
but it is a fitful sleep,
and the sheets roil and blacken.
The wind coos as it whistles through
palmy, leafy rustles -
an omen of a darker tune.
The starlings alight in
a tormented dance
rolling in and out of chaos
among the gathering darknesses.
the skies are alive.
The rain, at panther’s pace,
swells to the stampede of a hundred elephants,
besieging the soft earth with watery bolts,
roaring in the night.
The wind thunders its rage
at the helpless flora,
shackled to the earth
who so gently bore them.
All who can creep or crawl
have fled.
It is in this madness that the sparks
Falling, falling
a strained elegance imbibed in their
microscopic pirouettes
swirling in rivulets
among the bombast of the blustering wind,
among the noble indifference of the rain’s assault.
They court their earth-borne brothers,
prancing amid the whirling tempest
bound in a precarious harmony.
They join hands -
a flash -
and they crack the sky in two.Thanks everybody! See you next time.