Monday, August 26, 2013

Bailey's Q&A

  1. Role in Tapestry:  apprentice
  2. Favorite (breakfast) food:  CHEERIOS and crescent rolls
  3. Favorite Artists/Composers:  Bob Dylan and Jack Johnson
  4. Color of your room:  a really really light green, like the inside of a cucumber (YUM)
  5. Favorite season:  summer (but fall deserves an honorary mention)
  6. Favorite Disney Movie:  Finding Nemo! "Shark Bait Ooh HaHa" (gets me every time)
  7. Favorite piece of literature:  Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None, John Steinback's East of Eden, and The Book of General Ignorance 
  8. Preferred way of creative expression:  emotion (I'm not sure if that is the right type of answer but I love observing emotion and experimenting with it)
  9. Most creative thing you did this summer:  I made a pillow!
  10. Coffee or tea:  Coffee, but tea has a way of making me feel good about myself
  11. Spirit animal:  Well, since Maria took otter, I will go with a lemming… Lemmings are so blindly energetic about everything and they are one of the only rodents that aren't scared of their predators.  They seem to simply love life, just because. 
  12. Secret talent:  I'm good at identifying what mood someone is in.
  13. Superpower:  to fly

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