Saturday, October 26, 2013

Creative Block

Recently I've been quite brain dead. A creative block has been haunting me for about a month now.  My idea book has been consistently empty and no substance is evident in the few fleeting ideas that I have actually written down. My sleep has been dreamless and my hours spent awake are seemingly thoughtless.  Through this frustrating experience I've found a few methods that have worked, or I at least like to think they've worked, for getting some ideas flowing back into my head again.

1.  Sleep.  Easy right?  Some of the most fantastic and strange ideas unthinkable to the conscious come from dreams.  Keep a dream journal and inspiration will come easily. 

2.  Take a break.  Watch bad television.  Don't stress yourself out too much.

3.  Read the local news paper.  There's always something absolutely ridiculous there that could never be fabricated.

4.  Take a walk. Breathe in the cool autumn air and let it fog up your brain and chill the inside of your nose. Go explore a forest. Hug some trees.

5.  I like the call this one "Free Writing." Sit down with a journal and put on your favorite soundtrack, band, or artist, and just write whatever. Of course, most of what you write could be completely incomprehensible, but usually there'll be one idea you can salvage.


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