Friday, November 22, 2013

What is the BEST Young Adult Novel of All Time??? (a la March Madness)

I'm sure you have a favorite book. I'm sure you also fight very strongly to say that it's the best book EVER. I know that that's the way I feel about all of my favorite books, and I have a lot of those! Also, everyone in my family gets really into March Madness, so I've become a big fan. That's why I was so excited when I stumbled upon Entertainment Weekly's Young Adult Novel Bracket Game. Like the NCAA championship, this started with 64 books, and one will eventually be crowned "the best young adult novel of all time", thanks to online voters in each round. 
As I looked through the (almost) completed bracket, I was so thrilled as to what books made the list. I've read 15-20 of them, all of which I've adored, but many of them are on my list to read when I actually get some time. It made me think about how literature brings so much joy, especially through young adulthood, where we all need something to cheer us up at one point or another. 
The final two are The Fault in Our Stars and The Harry Potter Series. Which one will you vote for? (GO TFIOS!!!)

So check out the bracket here, and be even more thankful for great books!

-Megan :))))))))

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