Hi everyone! Finals are basically over, and I hope you've all survived. Through my countless hours of studying math day after day, tediously solving problem after problem, I've found I seem to have to best ideas while studying for math. I also think this has something to do with the fact that my brain desperately wants to focus on anything other than the quadratic equations in front of me. All the sudden, I'm close to finding the root of another problem and an amazing idea for a screenplay/film hits me. Awesome. Now what do I do? Well usually I have to wait. Instead of getting an entire scene, I get a glimpse. I single scene part of a way larger story that I don't quite know yet. I never think of words either. When brainstorming I usually feel people sometimes build up their idea with facts (the year 1954, a blue house with peeling paint is struggling to pay bills, an overworked mother slouches over a sink filled with dirty dishes,) but when I truly get something I like to think about, it's ingrained on the back of my eyelids and it never leaves. It unfolds on it's own and I'm merely a bystander. But then still don't know exactly what's going on. I feel like someone's throwing puzzle pieces and I won't be able to tell if it's a beautiful picture of a 3rd grader's failed art project. When i finally have somewhat of an idea I make a bit of a story board with words, piecing what I know into chronological order. Sometimes it's crap, but hey, if you're afraid to create you'll never get better.
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