Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February 6 Juliet

Good morning!!! I am writing to you via the school exciting. Haha, not really...i know. I was actually hoping that something magical or incredibly beautiful would happen this morning so i could have amazing things to share with you. However my morning, not surprisingly failed to provide me with any of that. It was quite uneventful. It consisted of the usual: waking up late, taking the world's shortest shower, putting on an outfit that doesn't really match and then running out the door, my coat and lunch in hand. C'mon...I know you know what I'm talking about. :) Here's the deal though...supposedly mornings like these are bad for your brain...surprise surprise! According to my youth pastor, the adreline that accompanies crazy mornings like these stops your brain from fully focusing until convenient! ;) So, my friends, the  lesson of the day is get sufficient sleep!!! And of course...SUBMIT TO TAPESTRY!!!
The deadline is none other than Valentine's Day!

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