Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bedtime Stories

            “It’s bedtime” was a dreaded phrase when I was little. I felt like there was still so much that I could do each night, so many dolls to play with, so many pages to color if I just stayed up a little later. I would protest and beg, make puppy dog eyes, and sometimes even cry. Eventually, though, I would put on my fuzzy footsy pajamas, gather up all my stuffed animals, and climb under my light yellow comforter. Then, with a rush of happiness, I would remember that before bedtime, it was story time.
            My mom or dad (or sometimes both) would sit on the edge of my bed and read me stories like no one else could. Some nights, my brother and sister would listen in, and other nights they would have their own separate story time. My story time started with Pat the Bunny, Corduroy, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, and Guess How Much I Love You. Then, it moved into Blueberries for Sal, One Morning in Maine, Madeline, Angelina Ballerina, Lollopy, Olivia, Stella Star of the Sea, and a book full of poems, my Dad’s favorites to read being The Owl and the Pussycat and The Road Not Taken. Then, with Kindergarten and first grade and my own newfound ability to read somewhat independently, I began to stumble through short chapter books with my mom: Junie B. Jones, Little House on the Prairie, Charlotte’s Web, The Cricket In Times Square, Stuart Little, From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, and later: Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, and Harriet the Spy. With every book my parents or I read, I couldn’t wait to turn the pages, to see what was hiding in the words of the next chapter. I couldn’t wait to open a world held between two solid covers, a world where characters laughed and cried, lived and loved, lost and hated, spied, travelled, danced, sang. One that could be opened and closed and opened again, that would still be there no matter how much time passed. A world that could be happy or sad or both at one time and still make me drift off to sleep feeling warm and loved. As William Nicholson once said, “We read to know that we are not alone.
            I have always loved reading and I always will, and I wish and hope that every kid could experience the amazing power and joy of bedtime stories!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Adlai Curse.

For years, scientists have been studying a phenomenon they like to call:


Until now, you probably have never heard of such a disease, and in fact you may think I am just making this up. But I'll have you know: this is very real. And I just so happen have the worst case of it, hence it's shortened name "The Adlai Curse."

Yes, yes. I know you're probably wondering about what exactly I am talking, and if you too suffer from this unique disease. I have provided below a "self-diagnosis."

Check all that apply:
Do you....

___Sing holiday music in September

___Have a "winter-y" computer background

___Daydream about gingerbread men

___Watch YouTube hauls "What I got for Christmas/Hanukkah"

___Listen to Pandora's "Charlie Brown Holiday Music" 

___Buy an excess amount of "Pine Needle" Candles from Bath&Body Works

___Doodle snowflakes, Evergreen trees, snowmen, etc. in your notes

___Wear holiday sweaters while it's still in the 60s

___Put on snow boots, walk around your house, chanting "you'd better watch out...."

___Have a countdown in your agenda until December

If you apply to one or more of these, it is very likely you have caught "The Adlai Curse." All this really means is pre-mature excitement for the next few months (and Mariah Carey's "I Don't Want A Lot for Christmas" on repeat).

My prescription for "The Adlai Curse" includes the following:

-Small doses of "Frosty the Snowman"

-At least one Pumpkin Spiced Latte a week

-Ten minutes of "What was in my Stocking" YouTube videos

-One hour a week cutting out pretend snowflakes

And if all else fails,

-LOTS of Wham!'s "Last Christmas"

Adlai :)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Creative Block

Recently I've been quite brain dead. A creative block has been haunting me for about a month now.  My idea book has been consistently empty and no substance is evident in the few fleeting ideas that I have actually written down. My sleep has been dreamless and my hours spent awake are seemingly thoughtless.  Through this frustrating experience I've found a few methods that have worked, or I at least like to think they've worked, for getting some ideas flowing back into my head again.

1.  Sleep.  Easy right?  Some of the most fantastic and strange ideas unthinkable to the conscious come from dreams.  Keep a dream journal and inspiration will come easily. 

2.  Take a break.  Watch bad television.  Don't stress yourself out too much.

3.  Read the local news paper.  There's always something absolutely ridiculous there that could never be fabricated.

4.  Take a walk. Breathe in the cool autumn air and let it fog up your brain and chill the inside of your nose. Go explore a forest. Hug some trees.

5.  I like the call this one "Free Writing." Sit down with a journal and put on your favorite soundtrack, band, or artist, and just write whatever. Of course, most of what you write could be completely incomprehensible, but usually there'll be one idea you can salvage.


If Music be The Food of Love...LISTEN On!

Hi everyone! I just returned from The Piano Guys concert, which was absolutely amazing. They're just a couple of dads from Utah, jamming on the piano and the cello. Something about their music is different to me. Even though all music touches lives and brings people together, The Piano Guys somehow do it even more. The title of this blog post clearly shows that I'm a choir queer, and from that perspective (aka a more critical ear), this music is worthy of praise. (I found myself unknowingly conducting during the show!) Their style of combining popular music that we all recognize from the radio with timeless classical music is mind-numbing, moving, and just plain awesome. These are some of my favorite songs of theirs....check them out! 

1. One Direction-What Makes You Beautiful (This one is 5 guys all playing 1 piano.):

2. Christina Perri-A Thousand Years: 


4. Coldplay-Paradise (African style, so cool!):

5. The Bourne Soundtrack/Vivaldi:

6. A Star Wars-Esque Cello Duel:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Halloween Costumes 2013

Since we are slightly over a week away from October 31st I figured it was time to write about Halloween costume ideas.Have a bunch of friends that all love to dress up? Then it’s all about the group costume. And what better way to get into the Halloween spirit than by making your costumes together? DIT (Do It Together) is the new DIY (Do It Yourself)!

*Bonus Points if you watch ABC Family's 13 Nights of Halloween*

1. The Characters in the Game Clue

2. Pac-Man and Ghosts 

3. Tetris

4. Scooby Doo Gang

5. Scrabble Tiles

6. Despicable Me Minions

7. Thee Blind Mice 

8. The Rugrats 

9. Oompa Loompas

10. Angry Birds

Happy Halloween!

----Rachel Stein 

Photography Quick Reference

Hello all!

Though writing is probably the type of art most often associated with Tapestry, photos are a big part of the magazine. For anyone looking to take better photos or use their camera to its full extent, I've compiled a list of tips, tricks, and terms for a burgeoning photographer.

  • Aperture
    • This measures how large the opening in the lens that lights in is
    • The smaller the aperture, the greater the light
    • measured in "f-stops" (ex. Æ’/1.8)
  • Shutter Speed
    • Simply, how fast the shutter opens, lets in light, and closes again
    • Typically, you'll want the shutter speed to be higher (to eliminate blurring), but you can achieve very cool effects with slow shutter speeds and a very stable camera
  • ISO
    • A "relic" from the era in which film was dominant, it is simply a measure of how sensitive the film is to light
    • The higher the ISO, the brighter the image (though the image gets grainier as the ISO goes up)


"Rule of Thirds" - 
  1. Divide your mental image into a 3x3 grid using 4 lines, and make each element of the grid the same size
  2. You will now see that there are 4 points at which the lines intersect. The Rule of Thirds states that you want whatever you consider the subject of your picture (Say a flower, a person's head, etc) to be centered on one of those points.
This is not a rule that must be followed all the time! There are plenty of situations in which you can break the rule for artistic reasons, such as when there is perfect symmetry in the image.


  1. TAKE PICTURES! (i.e., practice practice practice!) Your yard, a park, your street, anywhere is place to shoot. This is possibly the best way to get better and develop your "photographer's eye".
  2. Look at pictures others have taken-see what you like, see what they did to make their image look like it does.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps you!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Confessions of a Closet Writer

Now, I don't know how it is for the rest of you, but for me, submitting a piece of writing is really difficult. It's not the flow of ideas, or the grammar that stops me, it's my constant fight with words. When I think about something, all these ideas rush through my head, with words and phrases popping out in red, and I always think to myself "This could be great." I can visualize my paper, but what I'm visualizing isn't words on a page, I'm visualizing the feelings that those words will evoke. When I go in with such high expectations for a piece of writing, no matter how well written the paper is, it never ceases to disappoint me.

Don't get me wrong, I love words. I love everything they represent and everything they don't. When I write though, I feel like I am not giving these words the justice they deserve. I look at these amazing writers who use these words to communicate their feelings and ideas, who use these words as tools, and then look at my writing and think "There's something missing." I get the impression that my thoughts, feelings, and that sense of eviction I had earlier in my head aren't properly displayed on the paper. Because of this, turning a paper in, or showing someone my writing feels as though I am robbing the words of the praise they deserve. 

As frustrating as this process is, I still love to write. I love the rush of ideas in my head, and the sense of excitement when I look at a blank paper and think of the possibilities. It's one big puzzle piece, and I love the fact that I get to mold the edges.

And when I do get it right, when those rare writings come across where I've fully explained what I'm thinking and feeling, handing it over to someone to openly judge is terrifying.

So that's why I have trouble handing in writing (or writing a blog post for that matter), and I really hope some of you can relate, or else this blog was completely pointless. Now that I'm done with my rant, I want to share with you this beautiful piece of writing that I read in my English class. Its called Everything Exists in the Word by Pablo Neruda:

… You can say anything you want, yessir, but it’s the words that sing, they soar and descend … I bow to them … l love them, I cling to them, I run them down, I bite into them, I melt them down … I love words so much … The unexpected ones … The ones I wait for greedily or stalk until, suddenly, they drop …
Vowels I love … They glitter like colored stones, they leap like silver fish, they are foam, thread, metal, dew … I run after certain words …  They are so beautiful that I want to fit them all into my poem … I catch them in mid-flight, as they buzz past, I trap them, clean them, peel them. I set myself in front of the dish. They have a crystalline texture to me, vibrant, ivory, vegetable, oily, like fruit, like algae, like agates, like olives … And then I stir them, I shake them, I drink them, I gulp them down, I mash them, I garnish them, I let them go … I leave them in my poem like stalactites, like slivers of polished wood, like coals, pickings from a shipwreck, gifts from the waves …
Everything exists in the word … An idea goes through a complete change because one word shifted its place, or because another settled down like a spoiled little thing inside a phrase that was not expecting her but obeys her … They have shadow, transparence, weight, feathers, hair, and everything they gathered from so much rolling down the river, from so much wandering from country to country, from being roots so long … They are very ancient and very new … They live in the bier, hidden away, and in the budding flower.
What a great language I have, it’s a fine language we inherited from the fierce conquistadors … They strode over the giant cordilleras, over the rugged Americas, hunting for potatoes, sausages, beans, black tobacco, gold, corn, fried eggs, with a voracious appetite not found in the world since then … They swallowed up everything, religions, pyramids, tribes, idolatries just like the ones they brought along in their huge sacks …
Wherever they went, they razed the land … But words fell like pebbles out of the boots of the barbarians, out of their beards, their helmets, their horseshoes, luminous words that were left glittering here… our language. We came up losers … We came up winners … They carried off the gold and left us the gold. They carried everything off and left us everything … They left us the words.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It's cool, we are all in this together


So, lately I've been really busy, and stressed.
I feel like this is a good title sentence because many of you might be like, "Oh yea, me too.." and so now we can get discussing.

Sometimes I find that during the more stressful days I feel like I'm on the edge and I easily become irritated with people, and it's just really unpleasant for me and for those who come in contact with me.

So, I have made a list of things that might help you to get through the overwhelming projects or days.

  1. Eat ice cream
  2. Give yourself a deadline to get a certain task completed by and stick to it so you don't have to worry about it later, I.e. Finish studying for vocab test before 5:30 pm
  3. Take a walk in your backyard and look around and take in the beauty of the trees
  4. Bake some cookies and then bring them to QRT
  5. Read the blog posts on Thought Catalog (Hi, I'm a blog post recommending another blog with blog posts)
  6. Extra stressed? Definitely have a hardcore solo dance party 
  7. Go to your mom and vent
  8. Take a nap and temporarily forget about it all
  9. Lock yourself in a room, make a list of the tasks, and finish them one by one
  10. Eat Nutella 
Hopefully, my list has inspired you. Remember these are temporary fixes, if you want long term results then plan well, stay organized and work hard!

Alright guys,
Talk to you later

Just Some Book Recommendations

Hey everyone! 
I really had no idea what I should blog about, so I decided to recommend some of my favorite books by genre. Hopefully, you can find something here you like! 
Okay here we go...

- Mysteries - 
Mystery is probably my favorite genre, so it was hard for me to pick my favorites. However, I was able to chose my top two mystery series. 

     ~ The Beekeeper's Apprentice (Mary Russell #1), by Laurie R King
When Sherlock Holmes retires to keep bees on the Sussex Downs, he doesn't expect to meet his intellectual equal or take on a teenage girl apprentice... But he does. *cue dramatic music*
BKA is one of my favorite books of all time, so if you like Sherlock Holmes and / or mysteries, you must read this. The summary of it may sound a bit cheesy, but I promise that this series is amazing (especially the writing and portrayal of characters). 

     ~ And Only to Deceive (Lady Emily #1), by Tasha Alexander

This series is about a young women in Victorian England who begins unraveling suspicious goings-on out of personal interest. Some of the books in the series are weaker than others, but they're worth a try! 

- Historical - 
While thinking about what books to recommend, I realized a read a lot of historical novels. Here are my top three. 

     ~ The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak 

Narrated by Death, this book tells the story of a girl growing up in Nazi Germany. It takes an interesting angle in the fact that the main character starts out supporting Nazis, because it's what she learns. Her view, however, changes. 
It's a tear jerker, but it's also overwhelmingly fantastic. Apparently, it's becoming a movie. So. Yeah. There's that, too. 

     ~ The Shoemaker's Wife, by Adriana Trigiani 

This book follows the life of Enza and Ciro, who have a minor connection that grows, from their youth in the Italian Alps to their adult life in America. The time spans from late 1800s to early 1900s. 
The writing is stunning and you finish feeling very satisfied, if a little sad (but in a good way?). 

     ~ Violins of Autumn, by Amy McAuley 

Oh, another WWII book! Didn't mean for that to happen... Oh well! Violins is about a young female spy for England during WWII. It's a YA  book, so if that's not your thing, don't read it I guess. It's a more mature YA, though, if that changes your opinion. *shrugs*

- Fantasy - 
If you want some magic or creativity in the books you read, here you go. 

     ~ Graceling (Graceling Realm #1), by Kristin Cashore

In a land where certain people have Graces, or incredible talents, Katsa is Graced with killing (or is she?). When she meets Po, she begins to rethink not only what her Grace is, but how she can use it. 
One of the things I love about this series is how the books connect to each other; they aren't all set during the same time or place, but they all happen in the same world. 

     ~ Wildwood Dancing (Wildwood Dancing #1), by Juliet Marillier 

This is a retelling of the Twelve Dancing Princesses fairytale, but with a twist. There's a castle, a frog, and a secret since childhood. Oh, and it's set in Transylvania! 

- Fiction - 
Fiction, pure and simple. But good fiction. 

     ~ Just One Day, by Gayle Foreman

Allyson goes on a travel tour after graduating high school, but, in a split second decision, ditches the end of the tour to spend a day in Paris. This one day changes a lot.
Gayle Foreman writes some really stunning stuff, so there's that. Then, there's the fact that this book makes me really want to travel. It's just a really enjoyable book to read! 

- Classics - 
Some classics are over-rated and you wonder why they're a classic. Not so with...

     ~ Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre is what made BKA one of my favorites, instead of my favorite (which it had been since fourth grade). I love it so much. If you think Jane Eyre and Jane Austen are the same... yeah, no. Completely different. Jane Eyre has a darker more exciting plot than Pride & Prejudice (to me). So, even if you hate Jane Austen, you might like Jane Eyre. (Hint: it's a great book for October and November (I guess this only makes sense if you're like me and you like to coordinate reading with seasons, weather, places, etc)). 


Whew! Okay, that's it, guys! Here's a link to a shelf I made of these books on Goodreads, if you want to look at summaries, ratings, and reviews:

If you want more recommendations, just let me know, and feel free to give me suggestions as well! 

Hope everyone is enjoying their half day / day off :)

- Maria 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Don't Write History As Poetry

Hi guys!  I've been loving everyone's blogposts so far!  I think that the diversity of the topics                (everything from John Green to beating test anxiety) has really added to the uniqueness of the blog, so I decided to add another topic: poetry!

I first read Mahmoud Darwish's poem "Don't Write History As Poetry" at the writer's workshop I attended at Kenyon College over the summer.  The poem actually created quite the stir.  Half the class (myself included) thought that Darwish  was wrong, that poetry was a perfectly acceptable medium for historical events.  However, the other half of the class sided with Darwish, arguing that the cold, calculating, and often violent nature of history is incongruous with the organic and meditative nature of poetry.  Things actually got pretty serious (or as serious as a debate between adolescent writers can actually get).  What do you guys think?

Don't Write History As Poetry

Don’t write history as poetry, because the weapon is
The historian. And the historian doesn’t get fever
Chills when he names his victims and doesn’t listen
To the guitar’s rendition. And history is the dailiness
Of weapons prescribed upon our bodies. “The
Intelligent genius is the mighty one.” And history
Has no compassion so that we can long for our
Beginning, and no intention so that we can know what’s ahead
And what’s behind . . . and it has no rest stops by
The railroad tracks for us to bury the dead, for us to look
Toward what time has done to us over there, and what
We’ve done to time. As if we were of it and outside it.
History is neither logical nor intuitive that we can break
What is left of our myth about happy times,
Nor is it a myth that we can accept our dwelling at the doors
Of judgment day. It is in us and outside us . . . and a mad
Repetition, from the catapult to the nuclear thunder.
Aimlessly we make it and it makes us . . . Perhaps
History wasn’t born as we desired, because
The Human Being never existed?
Philosophers and artists passed through there . . .
And the poets wrote down the dailiness of their purple flowers
Then passed through there . . . and the poor believed
In sayings about paradise and waited there . . .
And gods came to rescue nature from our divinity
And passed through there. And history has no
Time for contemplation, history has no mirror
And no bare face. It is unreal reality
Or unfanciful fancy, so don’t write it.
Don’t write it, don’t write it as poetry!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Stress Tests - Dealing with Pre-Exam Anxiety by Che Esch

Hello everyone!

One problem I have noticed that quite a few students at our school have is pre-test anxiety; that is, being stressed about a test before you take it. Studies have shown that high levels of stress can limit a student's ability to do well, in school and in other areas of their life. Additionally, being negative going in to a test, or expecting to fail, can have an impact on how you perform. I have found that often, the less stressed I am about a test, the better I feel and the better I perform. While some assessments will be more stressful than others, there are several methods to reducing your anxiety before taking tests.

Firstly, many of these tips apply mainly to large tests that will have a major impact on your grade. For minor quizzes, there is no substitute for studying. There won't be too much material on the majority of these smaller assessments, so it isn't too hard to thoroughly cover everything you need to know. Once you are confident and comfortable with the subject matter, try to refresh yourself throughout the day. If you have the test early, study a little during QRT and announcements. If you have it later in the day, review during lunch. Of course, these are good things to try for big tests as well, but for quizzes, studying thoroughly and refreshing the day of should have good results on their own. (Additionally, if you're having trouble, always take advantage of any study sessions your teacher may offer).

For bigger tests, the problem many students have is overwhelming levels of stress, rather than a lack of preparation. Many people study for hours on end, only to find themselves still anxious for the test. A certain amount of nervousness is fine, and can even be helpful; you want to be on your toes to avoid silly mistakes during the test. However, if you've studied exhaustively, you know the material, and you're still more than a little nervous, there are some helpful tips.

One consolatory remark that a lot of people give (and one of my least favorite) is the famous "What's the worst that can happen?" This is not helpful. The worst-case scenario is one of two things, depending on your priorities: either you are killed in a horrible accident, or you get a 0% on the test, and the next test, and the next test, costing you your grade in the class, and thus, your chance at college, a career, and a happy life. These are extremes, and they will probably never happen; they are also truthful answers to the question your friend has posed you. Thus, I find it better to consider two scenarios: a realistic, bad outcome, and a realistic, good outcome. By envisioning a bad outcome, you can also envision the road to recovery. Let's say you get a score ten percentage points below your goal. For most people, this means earning a letter grade below what you're shooting for: if you want a grade in the 90's (an A), you get one in the 80's (a B), and so forth. So envision yourself getting a letter grade below your goal (for the majority of students, this is a bad scenario). This will probably drop your grade a couple of percentage points down, perhaps to below where you want to be. How do you recover? By doing better on the next big test. Bad grades, while unfortunate, serve as great motivational tools if you're willing to use them. Use your test as fuel, and prove to yourself that you can do better next time.

Before the test, though, don't forget to envision your good scenario: meeting or exceeding your goal. There are few things as rewarding as studying hard for a test, and having your work pay off. Taste the victory, and make it your expectation! While it's good to be a little nervous, you should strive to be confident, both going in and coming out of tests. If you know the material well enough, and if you can effectively demonstrate all the skills (writing, algebra, etc.) that your teacher is looking for, you have the capacity to answer every single question correctly. Go in to the test ready to fulfill this capacity to the highest extent possible, and know that you can do so. This can make a world of difference in your confidence about an upcoming exam.

This is getting to be a very long-winded blog post, so I'll wrap things up here. I'm only a sophomore, so I haven't been exposed to many of the tests that students take throughout their years at the high school. However, I think that these tips apply to most tests here. Having knowledge of the material is important, but so is being confident in your ability to meet your goals. Don't go in expecting failure; strive for success! If you're still nervous about what happens if things fall apart, visualize your road to recovery; it may be a lot easier than you think.

Thanks everyone!


Can it be Halloween every day? by Sarah Ssemakula

October: Homecoming, PSAT, but most importantly, Halloween.  October 31st is probably my favorite day of the year.  Who doesn’t love trick or treating?  For one night you can dress up and act like whomever you want to be and for two hours you get free candy.  Why wouldn’t you want to do that?  I tell people that I want to go trick or treating and I get the same response every time.  “Aren’t you a little old for that?”  Halloween is for everyone; young and old.  I will NEVER be too old for trick or treating.  I may be 16, but free candy?  I’m in.  Personally, I think that trick or treating is more fun than handing out candy to the little kids on the street.

First of all, you get to create a costume, which is always so much fun.  One year, I was Lady Gaga.  I attached white balloons onto a black jumpsuit, trying to replicate her bubble costume.  (
This year, I’m thinking of dressing up as Gustavo Fring from Breaking Bad. ('_face_off.png)

Secondly, having a competition with your friends to see who can get the most candy is so much fun.  But you know what I can’t stand?  Receiving anything that isn’t candy; apples, popcorn balls, or pretzels.  Halloween means CANDY.  Good candy.  When I get home, I should have an endless pile of Reese’s, Twix, and Snickers, NOT a pile of... apples.  The worst is when I’m given crappy candy, like Dots.  Why are Dots even considered a candy?  They taste like half hardened rubber cement and should seriously be banned from every house’s candy bowl.  All in all, I’ll always love Halloween.  Only 23 more days.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

How to Write a Nonfiction (by Dani Burton)

Though I will be otherwise engaged at a family bar mitzvah, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a fabulous time at homecoming this weekend! I hope you all have the best time. Now on to my post in honor of college essay season for seniors and the nonfiction unit in creative comp!

  • Choosing the subject matter will dictate how well you can go about writing the piece. 
Looking for important and telling personal experiences is probably the wrong way to pick the perfect topic. Think of what would be easiest or most fun to write... your favorite food, the walk to the bus stop every day, the topics you think about right before you go to sleep, an inside joke, something you're embarrassed to like, the slightly awkward relationship you have with a coach. It should be personal so you can tell the truth of a part of your life. You should associate everything in the piece with specific feelings and visual memories so that you know it's really significant to your experience. (But you don't have to be the main character unless it's a college essay, so you could write nonfiction that tells your brother's truth, as an example) Big firsts and obvious "essay" topics can set you up for a dramatic memoir or college essay, but small natural moments that show your everyday identity and use your own voice can accomplish a lot more artistically in less words about the moral behind the story. 
  • Try to do more with fewer words. In essence, use Mrs. Green's classic "show, don't tell," and balance the telling the message with careful subtlety.
For a college essay, the topic choice itself should indicate much about your character-your values-without you having to state it and restate it (for example, writing about going to the zoo with parents says you love animals, have a close relationship with your family, and get joy out of going places and experiencing things). Then make your words achieve more effect in the crafting of the language. Just because it's not a poem doesn't mean sound devices wouldn't be lovely! Your detail can put the reader into the story like a short fiction piece. Remember that the writing should be good writing.
  • In your approach, try to tell the story.
Pretend you're whispering this to someone. You're revealing something secret within the fabric of your story. Or pretend you're giving the full report over fast food, eating and excited and gossiping. Nonfiction writing can be humorous and emotional, full of heart and personality. Try to avoid slipping into the mindset of an essay-writer by leaving out the right word because it's too simple like speech or by always having topic sentences and repetitive structure. The story can move and flow naturally. Imagining yourself excited to reveal your latest gossip will make you feel like your memories truly are interesting and worth sharing with a reader. You're interesting! Your embarrassing habits, your pathetic encounters with boys/with girls, breakfast, the color on the spine of your favorite book, these things are interesting!
  • The reader will accept your flaws.
Some of my favorite examples of memoir and college essays work because they are self-deprecating. The writers know how to poke fun at themselves and write about themselves as multifaceted people with strengths and weaknesses they are aware of. You can come out and say that you made the wrong choice when it mattered, that you were nasty to a friend, that you will never be first string on a football team, that you are a little vain or materialistic, whatever! I'm willing to bet your reader will love your honesty.

Hope this helps you find inspiration and direction in your writing! (Remember, I'm no expert!)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Fault In Our Stars

When I used to think of movie sets, I thought of tall movie stars with a little too much blush and cloaked in sparkling designer clothes. I imagined bright mirrors and gourmet food. That is, until the third Monday of September, when I went to the Fault In Our Stars movie set in Pittsburgh. 
As I arrived at the filming location of TFIOS, I noticed nearly twenty large white trucks and many police cars. My mom parked the car and we started towards the set. The whole time, I expected one of the police men to come up to us and tell us that we weren't aloud anywhere near the set, but we kept walking and no one came up to us. As we passed the trucks, the people outside of them waved, welcoming us to the set. 
We approached the set and I noticed that there were about ten other teenage girls sitting in the grass with their copy of The Fault In Our Stars, flipping through the book to find what exact scene they were filming (the picnic scene with Augustus and Hazel if you have read the book). I asked them if they were here to meet John Green, as I was, and they said yes. We started talking about the whereabouts of John Green and how excited we were to meet him (I was hopeful because two of my friends had already had the chance to meet him a week before).
The set was nothing like I had expected. It looked more like a construction sight than it did a movie set. There were white tents where food was kept and huge lights that shone on a very small area where they were filming. The members of the crew were dressed in Pittsburgh sports attire and waved at us when they walked by. 
One of the crew members walked up to us and asked whether or not Ansel, who plays Augustus Waters in the movie, had come over yet. 
Five minutes later, John and Ansel started walking towards us. Ansel was dressed in a basketball shirt and jeans, and John was wearing gray polo and jeans. They approached us casually and asked us if we wanted to take pictures or to have anything signed. I told Ansel that I was so excited for the movie, and he replied "I know, right? I am, too!" 
There was nothing glamorous about the actors or the set. They were normal people who just happened to be good at acting. Going to the TFIOS set made me respect people in the movie making industry much more than I had before. They are hardworking people who have a passion for telling a story through a movie screen. 

- Emily

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blog Schedule!

Hey Tapestry Senior Staff! 

This October, Tapestry is starting our daily blog schedule! You have been given a date on which you can post your writing, your favorite poems, pictures, etc. (Keep in mind you are absolutely allowed to post more than on just the day you are assigned.)

The schedule for October is:

Oct. 1 - Emily F. 
Oct. 3 - Dani
Oct. 5 - Bailey
Oct. 6 - Sarah
Oct. 7 - Adlai
Oct. 8 - Che
Oct. 10 - McKenna
Oct. 12 - Emily K.
Oct. 14 - Jaagrit
Oct. 15 - Marisa
Oct. 16 - Maria
Oct. 18 - Habiba
Oct. 20 - Rachel
Oct. 22 - Stephen
Oct. 24 - Faith
Oct. 25 - Emma 
Oct. 26 - Megan
Oct. 28 - Juliet
Oct. 30 - Sophie