Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I don't know what I should write about. I'll just tell you a little bit about my asian family.
As I'm getting ready to go to college, and live somewhere else, the relationship between my parents and I has become a bit more complicated. I am very much ready to leave home, and meet new friends. But my parents are in a state of wanting to make me realize how difficult it will be for me to live somewhere else, so they will convince me to go to a local school and live at home...My dad is not driving me everywhere, he won't wake me up when I'm late for school or volunteer work and my parents asks me to cook dinner four days a week, and do the dishes(I actually don't mind cooking, but I HATE having to do the dishes afterwards) By being in this situation, I did realize how difficult it would be to live by myself, but I also learned to suck it up. I learned that this is what will come at me as soon as I move out, and I will have to face  it sooner or later. So it's better to just "suck it up."
I am also trying to memorize the prices of things when I go shopping, see how much money is normally spent for a month, and limit myself on the things I buy.
Maybe after all, my parents were not trying to keep me home, but were trying to teach me in a way I would learn better, and not having to deal with this when I move out.
I feel that college would already be stressful, and learning the hard way now will definitely take away some stress in college.

I often wonder, in a strange way, what would be the first thing I do tomorrow when I realize that I'm on my own?

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