Saturday, January 11, 2014

It's the little things....

There are many things I struggle with. Precalc, cursive, and parallel parking are all things I could use some work on. But there are also many things I'm pretty good at. I can write a quality essay in less than 45 minutes, make some pretty great brownies, and I've learned to manage my time pretty well. This has been especially important since I have started Junior year. Between AP classes, SATs, musical, volunteering, learning how to drive, and a myriad of other activities (such as blogging of course) it has been hard to find time for myself. However, I have started using a system of "rewards" for completing things like homework. These rewards are things that make me happy and relaxed but don't take a lot of time away from important activities (AKA: studying).

Here is my list of "me-time" activities (all 20 minutes or less):

  • Read a chapter of your favorite book (assuming you are a fast reader this shouldn't take long)
  • Put a tray of cookies in the oven. This is a treat for now and later! 
    • Pre-made cookie dough is ideal to so you don't take time to clean up
  • Make a mix-cd for a friend
  • Watch 3 military reunion videos on YouTube to make you smile
    • Side note: Ellen Degeneres has a TON on her station 
  • Set a timer and spend some time catching up on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook posts
  • Go to this link and read about a theory that says all Disney Pixar movies are from the same universe, then proceed to sit in shock. 
  • Actually Buzzfeed is just an awesome website in general! So many cool articles on their website. But make sure you set a timer or else you'll spend hours reading Buzzfeed instead of taking notes. 
  • Take a 20 minute power nap
  • Send a free virtual bouquet online and send it to a friend. It will totally make them smile.
  • Make a video at with your friends faces and laugh
  • Re-read your favorite childhood picture book
  • Look through a photo album or old yearbook
Now take a nice deep breath and get back to work!


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