Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday the 22- Sarah's Post

So I've been completely dragging my feet on posting on the blog all day today (in case you couldn't tell seeing as I'm currently typing this at 11:40) mostly because I couldn't think of anything significant to write about and also because I thought I was going to have this big revelation like in Julie & Julia where Julie has this huge epiphany that she's going to make a food blog. Yeah, that didn't happen, but I did stumble upon a quote that made me laugh and gave me the inspiration I needed to make my post (which kinda backs up the idea that inspiration can be found anywhere). But anyways the quote is "We are not retreating, we are simply advancing in a different direction."

And I liked this not only because its something I would definitely say because I'm really stubborn and refuse to be wrong sometimes, but also because its a great quote about looking at things from a different perspective. Life isn't always a straight line that has a clear direction and destination, but often a winding path-or maze more like- where we don't often know where we are. Sometimes in order to make progress, you have to be willing to give and take and retreat a couple steps if need be. So while sometimes it may feel like your life may be regressing backwards, just try to keep in mind that sometimes changing directions and looking at things from a fresh perspective might be all you need to get yourself back on track.

I really hope that wasn't cheesy or's probably way too late and my brain is a little fried. But anyways, happy (very late) Friday everyone and just remember that life is a journey, not a destination and sometimes taking a couple steps backward may just be the push you need to advance in a different direction :)


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