Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hi everyone!  It's Emily Katz.  Or, as some may call me, E Katz.

Now with that nickname in mind...everyone reading this should take a guess as to what my favorite animal is.  If you guessed cats, you're so right!

I love cats.  Not just because they share my last name, but because they are a beautiful, mysterious, intelligent and independent animal.  Actually they are really just like us.  For example, cats can be right or left pawed.  Kittens have baby teeth, which are replaced by permanent teeth after several months.  And humans and cats have similar areas in the brain that are responsible for emotion.  Cats have feelings too, everyone.

But more than that, I love cats because they are just so sweet.  Of course there are mean cats out there that will bite you or hiss at you if you get too close, but there are also kind and loving cats.  There is nothing like petting a cat and hearing it purr because it is so happy to be petted.  Sure, dogs can wag their tails, but that's just not the same and you know it.

So everyone, if you have a cat, go and pet it just for me.

I'm just kidding guys.  I hate cats but we all know you wanted me to say I love them.  I hope you all had a good laugh...go dogs!

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