Monday, March 18, 2013

From the Desk of Mrs. Green- Nostalgia

I just opened the blog because I felt compelled to post about how great the musical was, and lo-and-behold, here is Sam's post. Interestingly, I was not going to post just to say "the musical was great- horray." But instead, I felt compelled to write about the fact that watching the show yesterday- actually watching my QRT students in the show yesterday- gave me the most wonderful nostalgia about high school.

You know that the moment you are in right now will not live on forever, and certain memories will fade, but the spirit of the experience has become a part of who you are. You will have moments when it will all come flashing back to you in a visceral way. It has been more that 24 hours, and I still feel a little bit like crying and smiling and laughing as the songs from your show keep repeating in my head. That is my visceral response.

And beyond that, I hold the image of your faces at the end of the show- that precious moment when you came out of character, and I saw in each of you in the realization- this is it.  Not this is the end, but this is what it is all about.

Quinn, your face was exactly as I felt, exactly how I remember feeling, with my friends at the culmination of my senior year. Sam, you did a little gig with your fingers in the air. It sort of said, "my fingers need to do this or I might start to cry." I was so enthralled in watching that moment. I loved seeing each of you with your arms draped over each other, the weight of friendship keeping your feet planted to the stage, your faces- still young- with so much talent, intelligence, charm, charisma, beauty, love. You were shining.

Thanks for that gift.

My family just came barreling through the door, and the beautiful images of my life after those moments in high school just materialized, so without edits, I am signing off.


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