Saturday, December 28, 2013

McKenna's Favorite Blogs

Hi everyone!  Hope you are all taking advantage of your much-deserved holiday break.  I know I have been making use of this work-free, stress-free, obligations to wear presentable clothing-free time to do one of my favorite things: read blogs.  Here are the top five blogs that I cycle through regularly:

5. Stories About My Underpants
Don't let the name fool you.  Although blogger Becky does share a few hilarious anecdotes about the embarrassing tendencies of her underpants, she mostly blogs about her life as newly-engaged textbook editor in New York City.  Not only is it a solid dose of daily humor, but it is a realistic (and reassuring) glimpse into the world of a professional.

4.  HyperboleandaHalf
I have a hard time deciding what I love most about this blog.  Is it the drawings that look like they were produced by a well-meaning four-year-old or is it the deadpan essays that narrate the strange events of blogger Alllie Brosh's life?  Sometimes it's really hard to tell when you're laughing so hard that your internal organs start to bruise.

3.  The Bloggess
Jenny Lawson is a doting mother, a diehard Whovian, a connoisseur of taxidermy, and a master blogger.  Jenny's daily posts oscillate between scripts of the delightfully odd conversations she has with her husband, Victor, on the necessity of owning knives with LED lights and serious, frank discussions about her struggles with depression and anxiety.  Jenny  is one of the few people who make me not dread becoming an adult.

2.  PostSecret
Every Sunday, Frank Warren, the founder of PostSecret, uploads the pictures of fifteen to twenty anonymous secrets that he finds in his mailbox.  The secrets range from hilarious admissions of odd antics (one person admitted that, whenever they finished a good book, they would eat the last page), to the heartbreaking statements of guilt (someone feared the return of their spouse from a tour in Afghanistan because they thought that the PTSD would destroy their marriage), to the just plain weird (someone actually sent a confession to murder).  I stay up late on Saturday night just to see what Frank posts next.

1. The Tapestry Blog

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