Friday, June 6, 2014

Full Circle

Hey everyone! Emily F. here!

Wow, I'm sitting in second period on the last day of school typing this realizing that our Tappy seniors are officially done with high school here at FC. I know for sure that I will miss all of them SO much, but I'm so proud of them and happy that I got to know them through our amazing QRT.

I just wanted to finish up our blog for the 2013-2014 school year, and give you a quick little blog review on The Fault In Our Stars movie, which premiered yesterday.

My first blog of the year was about meeting John Green and Ansel Elgort (Augustus Waters) at Hartwood Acres, during the filming process, and the time has finally come! I went to see the movie last night with a group of friends, including two Tappy staff members, Sarah and Habiba. We walked into the theater at 7 PM (the movie started at 9), so that we could get good seats (in the middle of the row, halfway back- perfect). But, that's beside the fact... The movie was  PHENOMENAL. It was all that I expected from such an amazing cast (Ansel- Augustus, Shailene Woodley- Hazel Grace Lancaster, Nat Wolff- Isaac), and from a book written by such a great author, John Green.

(Warning: Spoilers)

The beginning of the movie started out showing the growth of Hazel and Gus's relationship; I couldn't stop smiling. Ansel's charm played perfectly against Shai's smart-but-still-nice-girl act. Nat Wolff had me laughing along with everyone else in the theater as he threw Gus's basketball trophies against the wall, after his girlfriend broke up with him because he was going blind.

It was towards the middle of the movie, in Amsterdam, when the tears started coming in. They came slowly, and then all at once, when Isaac and Hazel Grace read their eulogies to Gus at his living funeral. I have never cried so much during a movie. (Fair warning, you WILL cry. I strongly advise you to go to the movie accompanied by a box of soft tissues and maybe a stuffed animal or two... And maybe your own Augustus Waters, just so you don't feel too badly afterwards.)

Overall, the movie absolutely did live up to the book. Yes, there were parts missing, as like every movie based off of a book, but it did not take away. The movie still had the sarcastic, adorable, heartbreaking voices that John Green conveyed through the book.

So, now that we're done with school- GO SEE IT!

... And have a lovely summer! I will keep you updated on planning at the beginning of the year (there will most definitely be a get together with our new staff members before school is back in session.)

See you soon,


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